
The Vault is the main account for a token pair and granularity. The Vault account is a PDA composed of the following seeds:

seeds = [

The Vault combined with the Vault Period is responsible for making sure that user funds are kept track of correctly on deposits and withdraws. The Vault also performs the the Drips in every period.

pub struct Vault {
    // Account relations
    pub proto_config: Pubkey,                                   // 32
    pub token_a_mint: Pubkey,                                   // 32
    pub token_b_mint: Pubkey,                                   // 32
    pub token_a_account: Pubkey,                                // 32
    pub token_b_account: Pubkey,                                // 32
    pub treasury_token_b_account: Pubkey,                       // 32
    pub whitelisted_swaps: [Pubkey; VAULT_SWAP_WHITELIST_SIZE], // 32*5

    // Data
    // 1 to N
    pub last_drip_period: u64,          // 8
    pub drip_amount: u64,               // 8
    pub drip_activation_timestamp: i64, // 8
    pub bump: u8,                       // 1
    pub limit_swaps: bool,              // 1
    pub max_slippage_bps: u16,          // 2

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